Professional Firm

We implement practical solutions.

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Consulting and Fiscal Strategy

The Firm provides the widest range of services related to tax consultancy.

Legal Services

We have highly qualified in this area of law, with extensive professional experience staff.

Corporate Legal Counsel

Our firm offers services provided by the shareholder or investor of a tool that allows proper control.

Promotions before Authorities

The firm provides services that consist in the study of specific cases and give the client the best way to carry out promotions.

Courses and Seminars

We design and offer courses and seminars to promote the training of administrative staff of our customers.

Covarrubias Rivera & Asociados

Founders of TAAC GROUP

More than 30 years of experience in legal solutions.
We are a group of Firms located in different countries, committed to permanent research and scholars of the subjects of our competence, convinced that continuous updating…

Covarrubias Rivera & Asociados


In Covarrubias Rivera y Asociados we believe that academic preparation is essential for a comprehensive development of the work we do in any area. That is why we provide the information of our associates.

Dr. C.F. Alejandro Covarrubias Rivera

C.P.C. y M.I. Rosalío Armando Mares García

Dr. C.F. Edgar Gabriel Salazar de la Fuente

Dr. C.F. Humberto Santiago Livas Durán

M.E.F.A.N.I, Lic. Angélica Esmeralda López Hernández